Wednesday, 12 May 2010

I am here

First and foremost, I am a person above all things. I just happen to be a person with aspergers and depression. I think person-first language is important. I don't want to be called an autistic person because you're recognizing that before you recognize me. You wouldn't call someone with cancer a cancered person would you? Why is it that physical things get person-fist language but mental health stuff like depression doesn't? I hate being called a depressed person even more than I hate being called an autistic person. Hello!? I am here too! So that's why I called my blog that very same thing. I want to write about my experiences, about me and how these things affect me as a person.

I may not write regularly sometimes, often just because I'm having a bad day and I'm struggling to get out of bed, never mind type out something. I will try to write often though. I will also note that everything I write about is personal to me. I'm not a doc, I'm not offering medical advice. My coping strategies and so on work for me but they might not work for others. If you've met one person with aspergers or depression, then you've met one person. Everyone is different and adapts in their own way.


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