Wednesday 16 June 2010

I know, it's been a while. I've not really thought about or been very inclined to write recently. Anyway, here is some of my news in handy bullet points :)

+ I have quit smoking
+ I have turned 21 and my housemates threw me a great party ^_^
+ I had a shittacular day last week so I didn't get out of bed or go to work
+ Oxfam is going well and I have sort of taken over the running of Bookfest for our shop.
+ My anti-depressants have stopped working so now I need to go back and get some more but I am sick of taking the damn things.
+ I am a bit unwell at the moment (probably because of quitting)
+ My book collection is growing a tiny bit.
+ I recently bought some more make up because I'm obsessed with the stuff.